Saturday, April 4, 2009

Field Tripin’ It to the Arava: Kibbutz Neot S'Madar and Kibbutz Lotan

So my group took a weeklong field trip to the desert. Just shy a few kilometers from where I was at the festival. But this time it was to visit a kibbutz. After being on a kibbutz for a couple of days I realize the stark difference between my farm and a working kibbutz. Kibbutzes in Israel have changed a lot over the last few years. They have been trending toward more commercialized communes. But there still are a few commercial farm kibbutzes; even this though is so different from where I am.

Neot S’Madar is a huge place with an extensive amount of acreage. They specialize in goat’s milk and dates but grow everything here. In comparison my farm is tiny just a couple of acres and we don’t grow any of our food for production.

While I was at Neot S’Madar I helped out in many different areas thinning nectarine trees, planting tomatoes, sorting olives for canning, and working in the winery for a bit. There is so much going on at this place that you feel as if it would take years to participate in everything.

Thinning Nectarines

One of the amazing things about this Kibbutz is how they promote the arts. They have a entire castle-like building devoted to creativity and the arts.

The Arts Center

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