Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I’ve been back in Israel for a week now….exploring, learning, revisiting. It’s been amazing. I’m currently staying in Bet Zait, which is a beautiful neighborhood outside of Jerusalem. Technically it is winter here, but in Israel, winter is when all the rains come and everything turns green and flowers. In fact Tu B’Shvat is the upcoming holiday, also know as the New Year’s for the trees because now is the time when the almond trees develop their blossoms. There is a beautiful seder for Tu B’Shvat which involves the four seasons and the mixing of red and white wine; very Kabbalistic but everyone here recognizes it. But back to my current home, Bet Zait. This neighborhood is also home to an ancient archeological site, no not ancient Hebrews, but dinosaurs. It’s funny to me how much is in Israel within such a small space. Yigal’s friends are generously letting us crash in their guesthouse here. They just recently adopted 6 acres of land, it’s definitely a fixer-upper, but this place is really special as it has over a hundred different types of fruit trees, mostly citrus, growing on it. A few days ago I helped them start a new vegetable garden near the house. It was wonderful to get my hands dirty and my body active again.
I also recently visited my old farm in Modi’in, Chava V’Adam, and helped out in the gardens there. And it was really amazing to see all the changes that were accomplished during this last semester….A addition to the kitchen, a medicinal herb garden, and a new shower floor for the outdoor shower. Visiting made me realize how much I missed my fellow Ecos and how much I missed eating farm food…whole grains…lots of veggies.

Next week I head up to the north to start working on the permaculture farm in Nahalal. I’m very excited to begin this new chapter and hopefully eat lots more organic veggies.

I’m still continuing my studies with IIN. It’s been amazing how quickly it’s all going. I’ve learned so much already and I can’t wait for more lessons. I’ve listened to such inspiring lectures by some of the greats like David Wolf, Marion Nestle, and Joshua Rosenthal.

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