Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A View Into My World

Lunch...homemade sourdough bread, tahina, bulgar salad, fresh green salad from the garden, lemonade..yum

Decorative Mud Shelf in Salon

The Salon...Straw bail mud walls

Mud Dome with Garden

Jon Pierre the Dog

More gardens




Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring is Here

It’s spring at Yesh Meain, which means it's time to cut the long grasses, mulch the garden beds in preparation for the summer heat, and plant tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, and basil….Tons of summer preparation. I’ve also been starting to stake up the enormous amount of tomato plants that have volunteered growing everywhere around the farm...They grow in between the foot paths, by the water spigots, and other completely random places. What’s really amazing about the volunteer tomato plants is that because they are here so early we already have tomatoes producing flower buds and fruit. This is incredibly early, most nurseries in Israel aren’t even selling baby tomatoes plants yet.

Another good thing happening on the farm is that with the rains beginning to subside we will begin mud building. There is an outdoor shower in the works that I’m really excited to help with.

I'm also continually eating extremely well. Particularly with the help of a new fridge that was donated to the farm. It is three times the size of our last one and with it some how magically we have tons more cheeses, eggs, and spreads. It’s also the end of the citrus season here. So we’ve been enjoying fresh squeezed lemonade, grapefruit, and orange juice everyday. I’m also mastering some newly acquired pitot (the plural for pita) making skills. And I’ve finally figured out how to make a completely whole wheat challah that's actually fluffy!

I'm hoping to soon start posting pictures of all these lovelies I've been describing but I've got to find a cord for my camera first. So hopefully I'll get one soon.